Schedule of countries

This is the list of countries covered under your policy and can be found in the policy summary. It includes a whole range of countries by default and can be extended by agreement if you do business with debtors from other countries. The Schedule of Countries lists the specific conditions that apply to each country. Here you will find, for example, which form of self-assessment applies to a particular country. As soon as you request a limit for a debtor, you should request or set a limit for each debtor from that country. For each country you do business with, you specify the entire insurable turnover.

Start cover limit

You apply for this type of limit in Atrium for the desired amount. The maximum amount for this type of limit is specified in the policy. You get an immediate decision based on the buyer rating in Atradius' system. This is the cheapest type of credit limit. However, the percentage covered is lower than for a credit limit or credit check and you will find it in the policy.

Stop deliveries

This is the moment when you can no longer deliver under cover of the policy. There are various circumstances where you can no longer do so, but we use this term to indicate the moment when the maximum extension period of a debtor's oldest outstanding invoice expires.

Stoppage of cover

This coincides with the stop of deliveries. Usually this is 2 months after the due date of the oldest outstanding invoice. At that point, you stop shipping goods or performance of services. This is the case of:

  • non-payment of an invoice after the expiry of the maximum extension period (unless you obtain our written agreement);
  • withdrawal of a credit limit or coverage on a country;
  • introduction of a claim and handing over an outstanding invoice for collection;
  • in case of an insolvency (bankruptcy, procedure for judicial reorganisation, etc.) of the debtor.
This means that losses you incur by providing goods or services after the date of any of the above circumstances are excluded from cover.