
Total amount submitted for collection (past due and non-due invoices).


Atradius transfers its risks to third parties and thus it insures itself in case too many claims should have to be paid.

A reinsurance premium is paid for the reinsurance, which is factored into the premium ultimately paid by the insured.

Related debtor

The policy shall not apply to amounts owed by buyers over whom you have direct or indirect control or in whom you have a direct or indirect interest or who have such a control over or intrest in you, unless we agree otherwise in writing.

Reporting obligation

You should inform us immediately of any circumstance or event that could potentially cause damage. This way, we can avoid damages in your file, but we also check whether there are risks on the same debtor in other files.

Retention of title

A condition, possibly already included in your terms and conditions of sale and delivery, stipulating that the product remains your property until full payment is received. For deliveries to certain countries, we will require you to include the retention of title clause in your general terms and conditions of sale.

Run-off risk

Cover for risks started before a credit limit is withdrawn or a policy is terminated continues until payment is made or a covered cause of loss occurs.